"Essential Question: What are the qualities that make visual design most impactful?"
I plan to either interview Ms. Freeman (Amir's mother) or one of my mentors co-workers. Amir's mom has a degree in graphic design and has done a lot of freelance work throughout her life. My mentors co-workers all work at Disney so I'm more than sure they are qualified for their job and know what they're talking about.
2. Verify that you have called your interviewee to schedule an interview. What is the date and time of the interview?
I have let Ms. Freeman know that I might need to interview her the last week of February. She has agreed to it and said she looked forward to it if it happens. My mentor hasn't gave me the co-worker that I will be interviewing but I plan to get on top of that ASAP.
3. Phrase an open-ended question that will help you find research resources that would help to answer the EQ.
What do you find that you dedicate the most time to when you're designing your product?
4. Phrase an open-ended question that will help you think about other useful activities you might do to help you answer the EQ (IC2, possible experts to talk to, etc).
Are there any classes that you know of that I may benefit from? What helped you really master what you do?
5. Phrase two open-ended questions that help you to understand your interviewee's perspective on an aspect of your EQ.
How is it that you best unify all your elements that you incorporate into your designs?
We all have our own vision as to how we want to design or projects, but how do you go about when your clients visions are the complete opposite? Who's opinion and styles do you hold to a higher standard?
Would you considerate it bad to have a bunch of different shapes on your design? How do you make them all come together?
What element do you feel has to be perfect or else you won't feel satisfied with your result?
When do you decide on what color scheme you want to use on your design?