Thursday, February 25, 2016

Answer 2

1.  What is your EQ?

  • What are the qualities that make visual design most impactful?
2.  What is your first answer? (In complete thesis statement format)
  • UNITY holds a design together and provides a fulfilling experience to the user.
3.  What is your second answer? (In complete thesis statement format)

  • BALANCE helps a designer make sure their design is aesthetically pleasing and proportionately evened out to make it more appealing to the human brain, impacting the user.

4.  List three reasons your answer is true with a real-world application for each.

  • If the elements on the top feel a bit heavier than the bottom, it creates a lot of tension throughout the design. 
  • You can incorporate small areas in your design with vibrant colors to balance out larger areas of neutral colors.
  • Asymmetrical composition is intended to create a deliberate imbalance of the elements in the design; creates tension purposely.
5.  What printed source best supports your answer?

  • "Understanding the Importance of Balance in Graphic Design." DigitalTutors Blog. N.p., 11 Apr. 2014. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.
6.  What other source supports your answer?

  • "Design Principles: Compositional Balance, Symmetry And Asymmetry." Smashing Magazine. N.p., 29 June 2015. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.

7.  Tie this together with a  concluding thought.

  • Without balance, a design isn't complete It's as simple as that. In order for a design to be impactful on the user, it needs to feel whole, complete. Using balance, the designer can acquire a design that is truly exquisite and admiring to the target user, making it extremely impactful on them.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Blog 16: Independent Component 2 Approval

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.

  • For my 30 hours, I plan on designing my own logo from scratch. My mentor and I have been talking about doing this for about 2 months now and we had decided to hold it off until my second Independent Component. I was skeptical to wether it would take 30 hours but according to my mentor, I might even need more than 30 hours which I'm perfectly fine with. 
2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.

  • There are many steps that take place into designing a logo. I will be logging all my hours minute by minute, detail by detail, on what it is i worked on that day just so that it is evident how important every little detail really is in Visual Design. 
3.  Explain how this component will help you explore your topic in more depth.

  • My EQ is: What are the qualities that make visual design most impactful? Designing this logo, I will really have to dig deep and research how I'm going to bring all the elements to make a succesful logo. I feel like many qualities will be showed in the design once its completed which would help me come up with more answers for my Essential Question.
4.  Post a log in your Senior Project Hours link and label it "Independent Component 2" log.

  • My Senior Project Hours link already has a log for my Independent Component 2. I will begin updating it once I kickstart my project.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Independent Component 1

    (a) Write: “I, ALEXIS ALVAREZ, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 32 hours of work.”
    (b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component.
    • Sam Hernandez / Mentor
  • (c) Update your hours in your Senior Project Hours link. Make sure it is clearly labeled with hours for individual sessions as well as total hours. 
  • (d) Explain what you completed. 
    • I completed a website for our Model Assembly project. The main goal of the website was for visitors to go on the website and have the opportunity to look at the bills created by everyone. Several of my hours for my IC were also tutorial lessons that I received from my mentor Sam Hernandez or online. 

  • Defend your work and explain its significance to your project and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work.   Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work.  
  • When I first started off in the beginning of the school year, I didn't have much knowledge on how to code or use HTML to code websites. I kept to the book and didn't try new things. Throughout this independent component, I've learned many skills and how much time actually goes into a project like this. At first I was skeptical to whether I would have enough hours but through the days, the hours just flew by! 

  • The picture below shows a picture of the layout of each BILL Page that the user can visit. It took quite a while to learn how to create their own individual page and have an embedded code  for their documents. This made it easier for the user to access the bills.
    How did the component help you understand the foundation of your topic better?  Please include specific examples to illustrate this. 
    • This webpage I created helped me practice my first answer for my EQ, Unity. I had to make sure all the fonts and pictures complimented each other. 
    • Designing my own webpage really helped me focus on the Visual Design aspect of creating a design. Its so crucial and important to make sure the design is visually pleasing.
    • Learning how to code and use HTML Coding helped me understand a whole new language to the design world. 
    • We as designers have the power to change anything. I had the ability to personalize my own Wordpress theme to fit my standards which really gave me a feel of how a Visual Designer feels when working on projects.

Blog 15 - Lesson 2 Reflection

1. What are you most proud of in your Lesson 2 Presentation and why?

  • I am proud that I was able to make tie without having to rush or go slow throughout my presentation. I was able to cover everything I wanted while keeping good time management. One problem I had last time was that I sped through all my information so I'm glad I improved upon that this time around.

2. a.     What assessment would you give yourself on your Lesson 2 Presentation (self-assessment)?

       AE       P          AP       CR       NC

     b.     Explain why you deserve that grade using evidence from the Lesson 2 component contract.
    • I kept a very good voice tone and volume wise throughout my entire presentation. I was trying to speak as fluently/loud as possible so that even the people in the back of the room would have my attention.
    • I used my time very efficiently; I made time both content and overall without needing to cut anything out or stall
    • I was very organized, everything on my powerpoint was useful and covered in my presentation. I hardly left any blank space
    • All my research took many hours to compile; all the information on my powerpoint was as clear as I could've made it
3. What worked for you in your Lesson 2?
  • Something that really helped was having my powerpoint up there with me. It helped me stay on track and make sure that I wasn't missing any information. During 1st presentation, we weren't allowed to have powerpoints which really didn't benefit me at all.
4. What didn't work? If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 2?
  • I think I would have added more questions to my activity that the audience could answer. My only problem with that would be that I would need more time since I could've gone overtime with more questions.
5. What do you think your answer #2 is going to be?
  • As of right now, I believe my answer #2 is going to be Balance. Balance is a really important element in visual design so I plan on researching a lot more into it to see if I find sufficient enough information for my answer #2.