Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Blog 16: Independent Component 2 Approval

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.

  • For my 30 hours, I plan on designing my own logo from scratch. My mentor and I have been talking about doing this for about 2 months now and we had decided to hold it off until my second Independent Component. I was skeptical to wether it would take 30 hours but according to my mentor, I might even need more than 30 hours which I'm perfectly fine with. 
2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.

  • There are many steps that take place into designing a logo. I will be logging all my hours minute by minute, detail by detail, on what it is i worked on that day just so that it is evident how important every little detail really is in Visual Design. 
3.  Explain how this component will help you explore your topic in more depth.

  • My EQ is: What are the qualities that make visual design most impactful? Designing this logo, I will really have to dig deep and research how I'm going to bring all the elements to make a succesful logo. I feel like many qualities will be showed in the design once its completed which would help me come up with more answers for my Essential Question.
4.  Post a log in your Senior Project Hours link and label it "Independent Component 2" log.

  • My Senior Project Hours link already has a log for my Independent Component 2. I will begin updating it once I kickstart my project.

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